Title: Vision Based Hand Gesture Recognition For Intelligent Human Computer Interaction.
Goal: To develop a tool which uses real time hand tracking for interacting with computer.
A Hand gesture is defined as a dynamic movement,such as waving “good bye..”.Gestures are made in 2 ways. First,a simple posture of hand and change in the position or orientation of the hand. Second,Position and orientation is not changed ,But moving fingers in some way. Some complex gestures may include both of the above.
First step is to collect the raw data. And this raw data is analyzed by different algorithms to find out some pattern out of it and further it is used in hand gesture recognition. We use cameras to collect raw data.
Once the raw data has been collected it must be analysed to determine if there are any gestures recognized. There are several algorithms available.
Hidden Markov Models:
HMM is defined as a set of states of which one state is starting state , a set of output states and some state transitions. Each state transition is represented by state from which the transition starts,the state to which transition moves ,the out put generated and the probability that the transition is taken. In our context each state could represent a set of possible hand postures. The state transitions represent the probability that the certain hand position is changed into other. The corresponding output represents a
specific hand posture and a sequence of postures represent hand gesture. We can a group of HMMs ,one for each gesture and runs a sequence of input data through each HMM. The HMM with highest forward probability determines the most likely hand gesture.
Advantages Of using HMMs:
1.Can recognize large set of postures and gestures.
2.With adequate training, high accuracy can be achieved.
3.Well discussed in the Liturature.
1. To select which approach to be used for recognition.
2. To select the tools to be used.
3. Gathering training data and start prototype.
4. Analysing the data which collected in the above step.
5. Some classification of the data based on algorithms.
6. Real time video tracking.
7. Motion Detection using frame by frame analysis .
8. Applying HMM for gesture recognition.
9. Testing
Tools :MATLAB and C++
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my dear ..synopsis isn't supposed to have is meant to be short n precise